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Members are both the bedrock and life-blood of Slow Food.
With a monthly fee of less than the price of a cup of coffee in many London cafes, your membership helps support all our projects.
Without your membership, we wouldn't be able to run our schools projects, teach basic food skills to community groups, or campaign for a fairer and more just food system. Your monthly subscription funds everything from beehives to rooftop gardens, from guerilla public tastings of game & heritage fruits, to campaigning to protect our agricultural heritage. Never has there been such a demand, or need, for our work.
When you join Slow Food you join the national organisation, and they pass your contact details to us.
Fees from 1st July 2014 are:
Family £48 per year or £4 a month
Individual £36 per year or £3 a month
Low/No Wage £12 per year or £1 a month
Slow Food London receives one third of your membership per year, per member, paid to us from the National Office from your subscription. If you are able, please also consider making a donation to fund our work locally in London, none of which would take place without your generosity.